Meng Eu Law, MBBS, FRACR

Meng Eu Law, MBBS, FRACR, is a world-class radiologist who dedicated most of his career to neuroradiology, a subspecialty of radiology that focuses on the diagnosis of abnormalities of the brain, spine, and head and neck using various imaging techniques. Dr. Law is currently practicing at three different locations in California, including the Keck Hospital of University of Southern California, USC Healthcare Center 2, and USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center and Hospital. Furthermore, he maintains several academic appointments, including Professor of Radiology, Neurology, Neurological Surgery at Keck School of Medicine) and Biomedical Engineering at Viterbi School of Engineering. Dr. Law is also the Director of Neuroradiology and program Director of the Neuroradiology Fellowship Program at USC, and Director of Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Core also at USC. He has chaired the Research American Society of Spine Radiology. Dr. Law has been actively involved in numerous societies including the RSNA, ISMRM, ARRS, ASNR, ASSR, ASFNR and the ENRS. For more information about Dr. Meng Law, please visit


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